We are able to cater for private funeral functions on most days of the week To Discuss Telephone 02830850295, or 07765407930
We can provide a number of options such as warming soup & sandwiches, Irish stew with our home cooked wheaten, or perhaps a hot buffet for your guests. We will have an Open Fire welcome in colder months for you and your guests, we can cater for up to 110 people with minimum numbers of 50.
Typical funeral catering pricing & Options
Soup, Sandwiches & Sausage Rolls followed by Tea/Coffee & Biscuits £10pp
Hot Buffet £14pp 2 dishes typically Chicken Curry & Beef Stroganoff accompanied by rice and chips Price includes Water/Juice at tables plus Tea / Coffee as required by your guests. Vegan & Vegetarian Options also available as required.
Two Course Meal £18pp Vegetable Soup Starter with Guinness Wheaten Bread followed by Main Course of either Slow Cooked Dromara Beef with creamy mash and steamed vegetables or Poached Salmon with a Lemon & Chive Sauce, Creamy Mash & Steamed Veg selection